Athens city is in the spotlight for more than 3000 years. With history started from 800 bc, Athens is considered as the mother of modern thinking and democracy. Great philosophers like Socrates and Plato, legendary leaders like Pericles and of course the famous ancients Greek poets wrote their masterpieces within Athens cities walls. Athens’s prosperity lead to a cultural revolution, a revolution that is considered to be a stepping stone for arts worldwide.
A visitor can admire Acropolis and the Parthenon, walk to Panathenaic stadium and visit Greece National Archaeological museum, a museum that hosts hundreds of precious exhibits. The Temporary look of the city is as interesting as the classic one. Lately, lots of efforts have been carried out, thus Athens is a modern city, with thrilling places and museums of modern art, cultural hubs and remarking buildings. Athens is continuously evolving its gastronomic pallet, with many new and promising projects by new and rewarded chefs.
A visitor may find in Athens a place perfectly matching its personal taste, even the most demanding one. A corner that buildings, tastes and atmosphere will feel like home. Do not miss EMST (National Museum of Modern Art Athens) and SNFCC (Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center), a unique park, designed by Renzo Piano.
Athens Ivy Suites
Petraki 11 str.
Athens 10563
Tel.: +30 212 2132944
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